<Tuna, the Prince of the Sea>

<No.1 Seafood Squid>

<Pollack, the national fish>

<Blue-backed Saury>

<Toothfish, the beef of sea>

<Krill, the future food resource>

<Tuna, the Prince of the Sea>

<No.1 Seafood Squid>

<Pollack, the national fish>

<Blue-backed Saury>

<Toothfish, the beef of sea>

<Krill, the future food resource>

Tuna, the Prince of the Sea

<No.1 Seafood Squid>

<Pollack, the national fish>

<Blue-backed Saury>

<Toothfish, the beef of sea>

<Krill, the future food resource>

• 공고 •
원양선원 해외묘지 이장지원 사업 신청 안내
• 공고 •
「2024년도 원양어업 경영자금 지원사업」 사업대상자 모집
KOFA(Korea Overseas Fisheries Association) / Chairman : Young-Gyu KIM
(Postal Code: 06775)6th Fl. Samho Center Bldg. 83, Nonhyeon-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
T 02-589-1621 / F 02-589-1630 / 📩 kosfa@kosfa.org
COPYRIGHT© 1999~ KOFA All Rights Reserved